This is just a quick note on keyword density. Keyword density is the percentage of text that a particular keyword shows up in the text of a web page. For example, the keyword density for the word “keyword†in the following sentence is 100%:
keyword, keyword, keyword
The keyword density of the following sentence is 0%:
There is no mention of it here.
Lastly, the keyword density of the following sentence is 20%(100/5):
This sentence has a keyword.
Keyword density is considered by some Search Engine Optimization professionals as important in getting good rankings in the Search Engines. In my opinion, keyword density is not really something you need to concern yourself with.
Just make sure that the text on your pages make sense and don’t worry about how many times your keywords appear in your text. Place them in important places like the Title, Header tags, and when it makes sense highlight them using bold, and/or italics. Keyword density is not something you really need to spend a lot of time concering yourself about.